martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

A Tale of Nobody

IT was really done for. IT had to run away without looking back. Without thinking it too much, IT set off. IT was empty handed, although he did not know why. IT knew everything was how it was supposed to be; maybe IT had never owned anything before. It was all in perfect order. IT had no memories, no sense of direction whatsoever, but deep down he knew he didn't deserve anything.
IT was nothing; something that should have not existed. IT was weak, empty-minded. Wrothless beyond all reason. IT was empty. IT was fake. IT was someone with no promise. IT was low beyond measure. It was not worthy. It felt bad about everything, about every aspect of itself. How wrong was it all; IT had pity on itself.
So IT ran away, going deep into the darkness, with no place to go to. It was plunged, eventually, in deep slumber of nothingness, a slumber of no end.

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